Yamaha EAD Custom Mount project

What you looking at here is a Yamaha EAD10 unit mounted on a 16” bass drum which is actually a converted floor tom, so the batter side of this 16” bass drum actually still has the original eight lug triple-flange steel hoop which does not allow for the EAD10 clamping system to be fitted; the main unit is only designed to fit onto a wooden or steel bass drum type hoop so I set out to design an effective mounting system.

Yamaha EAD Mount for bop kit bass drum conversion

A lot of head scratching and a lot of different thoughts on how I could best approach doing this mount but without altering the existing 16” bass drum or really going over the top with creating a new mounting bracket so I did what any great workshop owner would do and started digging through the pile of spare parts and I came across an old 14-16 inch Pearl ISS suspension mount bracket in partial form and also a section of 24-26inch (unsure) bass counter hoop section that was fitted to the ISS Mount and including shaping off the edges to suit the same aesthetic of the EAD10 shape and also to act as some wooden “wings” to cover where the actual bracket is mounted onto the drum just to make it look a little bit more stylish and sleek. With the ISS Mount, all I really had to do here was to use an existing lower central hole, drilled + tapped to M8 thread then install a bolt with an adjustable rubberized foot on the bottom which also I put a tiny drop of liquid nylock to stop anything rattling itself loose.
The section of bass drum hoop was fitted to the ISS bracket with two simple M4 stainless  cap screws - the actual section of bass drum hoop was sanded, stained and oiled with boiled linseed oil to finish.
Once that was done it simply attached on with existing ISS mounting holes (rubbers removed) where they would typically go over the tension rod. What I actually did was enhanced and slightly strengthened this area by putting in some spacers and some lug lock nuts on the underside of the counter hoop so essentially the mount and the hoop became very rigid and the single adjustable rubberized foot floating out on the bass drum shell with a small round leather bump stop to assist with preventing any damage.
Everything else was exactly straight forward as you would expect, we mount the EAD10 and it works exactly as intended with nothing moving or rattling. Final aesthetic touch was painting the ISS mount in a metallic silver enamel finish so it matches the wrap of the kit, looking really classy and adds an extra dimension of professionalism to this great Yamaha 7000 series converted drum kit.


November > December 2024


Summit Drums - Okume (Mahogany) sealing +finishing project